Welcome to the website of the Réiser Päerdsdeeg


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Countdown to the event


31th edition – Réiser Päerdsdeeg

Program 2024

Competiton area: 90x70m Sand

2x Practice arenas : 85x30m, covered 60x22m Sand

Longines EEF Series CSIO*** & CSI*

05/06/2024– 09/06/24

13/06/2024 – 16/06/2024 CSI 1* & CSIV-B

31th edition – Réiser Päerdsdeeg

free entrance for the entire event

For this year’s edition, the associations Equisport S.A. and Cercle Equestre de Luxembourg are happy to welcome You at the Herschesfeld in Roeser for a CSI** and CSI YH from the 20th to the 23rd of June 2019.

One big feature is that the Luxembourgish National Holiday is on Sunday 23, which means there is a lot to celebrate on Saturday night… Special surprises will come up every day!

As in the past years, we are willing to organize a showjumping competition on a high level in agreement with pleasure and entertainment for both, visitors and athletes. Since 1992, the essence of the Réiser Päerdsdeeg is to create an event from Riders for Riders together with the clubs of the Réiserbann.

At this place, we would like to show our appreciation/ recognition/ gratitude for/ to every HORSE & RIDER / VOLUNTEER, every SPONSOR and the many VISITORS who help accomplish this amazing event every year.

You are all extremely appreciated!


Approved Schedule CSI** & CSI YH

For this year’s edition, the association Cercle Equestre de Luxembourg is delighted to welcome you at the Herschesfeld in Roeser for a CSIO 3*, CSI 1*, and CSIV-B from the 05to the 09 and 13th to the 16th of June 2024.

As in previous years, we are committed to organizing a showjumping competition at a high level while ensuring pleasure and entertainment for both visitors and athletes. Since 1992, the essence of the Réiser Päerdsdeeg has been to create an event from Riders for Riders, together with the clubs of the Réiserbann.

At this point, we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to every HORSE & RIDER, VOLUNTEER, SPONSOR, and the many VISITORS who help make this incredible event possible every year.

You are all greatly appreciated!

Events every night for visitors and riders,
Shows between the classes

If you would like to reserve a table in our VIP area,
please contact info@jumping.lu

The VIP area is open from 6 to 9 and from 14 to 16 June from 11.00 to 17.00.